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Content Marketing & The Most Important Things You Need To Know

As marketers, we know that there is a lot of humbug around content marketing, but it is rarely done right. The importance of content marketing is slowly being realised today.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves creation and sharing of materials online in the form of blogs, videos, social media posts and more. It is done to promote a brand, garner interest around a product or a service and to give out information.

You can dispute with us by saying that I’ve been doing content marketing the right way from the start. We are not denying that. We are here to see what type of content brings in the maximum clicks, conversions and in turn, money. We must understand that the content you think is best doesn’t often give guaranteed results or success.

Over the years, we have tried and tested the best content methods that have shown to improve results multifold. Here we give you everything about the importance of content marketing. Pick up your pens and start taking notes as this will come in handy for all your future content marketing efforts.

1. Different types of content

We don’t live in a world where one size does all anymore. Today’s users are tech-savvy and are well informed about everything around them. After putting in tons of effort in creating content, it is a shame if it doesn’t work out to be as successful as you want it to be. For this, leverage your skills in creative multi-purpose content to garner maximum attention and to increase your reach. For example, the content that you have already created can be reused as a

  • Guest post
  • Podcast
  • Supporting article

By creating multipurpose content, you directly increase your chances of success on multiple platforms.

2. Core content = return on investment

Core content has all the content marketing messages embedded into it that is required for action or conversion to take place. It is what makes the user click on the add, link or even read the title of your blog. It is the content that the user wants to see and the message he or she is interested in. Once this step is achieved, the transition for a sale to happen takes place easily. You must also keep in mind that core content will not perform by itself.

By keeping the core content intact, try and build new content around it that helps to pull in the user by tapping into their emotional or pain points. Look for content topics that can overlap with a lot of your marketing efforts. Write about topics that the user is struggling to get answers for. Invest in content that is related to your business and target audience.

3. Smart content brings you the results

Content writers spend days writing and perfecting a piece of content. They do their research, draft it, write it and improve it. Once done, they proofread it and improve it again. This is topped by eye-catchy visuals, taglines and headings. Once they’ve published it, they get a mediocre visit and the traffic eventually dies out. At the same time, you come across a big brand with ordinary content getting thousands of conversions and gets all the attention.

Has this ever happened to you? That is because today, there is cut-throat competition everywhere. Big and established brands are surrounded by a large number of social media followers and a strong subscribers list. The way to get around this is to start small and achieve small goals. Study and understand your competition’s weakness and convey topics they haven’t touched yet. Work on a content promotion strategy that suits you and keep your followers engaged at all times. This will get you the success and will help increase your fan base slowly.

4. Creating new content is not easy, it takes hard work

For any great idea to take off, there are no shortcuts in content marketing too. Creating content requires dedication and hard work. It is all about creating the most value to the user through the content you are putting out. What is that you’re solving for them? Think about new ways you can capture their attention. If you are covering a topic that is already out there, make sure you create a more accurate and competent piece than the one that’s already there. Create something that will make the user go ‘wow’ and adds value to them.

It is important to know where you can publish your content too. It is great that you have your own website, YouTube channel and blogging platform to put out your content. Make sure you publish on well-known platforms like Quora, Medium etc. In conclusion, keep in mind these three steps for successful content marketing. Make sure your content is:

  • Relevant to the audience
  • Brings value to the user
  • Consistent at all times

Every business must align their content marketing strategy with their business goals. Giving the audience a unique brand story and forming a strong measurement plan can bring you the results you want to see for your business. Hope this article gives you the complete picture of the importance of content marketing. If you need help in setting this up for your brand, we are here to give you an in-depth understanding of the same. Let’s Goo Social will provide you with the best content marketing path for your brand. We will explore the best practices along with you to take your business to the next level. How can you reach us? Write to us at, simply call us at +91 9087706000 today or leave us your queries in the comments section below!

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