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The Unparallel Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence For Your Brand

Artificial Intelligence or AI is being extensively used today as we speak. If you are new to this topic, we will shed some light on it for you. What is AI or Artificial Intelligence? Sometimes also called machine learning, artificial intelligence in computer science is the intelligence indicated by machines in comparison to the intelligence demonstrated by humans. Any device that comprehends its environment and takes certain actions to increase its chances of success is said to hold some intelligence. AI or artificial intelligence is the term used to describe computers or machines that imitate cognitive functions that are associated with the human brain like problem solving, computing and learning.

AI today has penetrated into the marketing sector too. B2C companies are using machine learning to enhance their marketing efforts and better the customer experience with their company or brand. They use machine learning to predict their marketing results which only strengthens the fact that AI and marketing go hand in hand. Artificial intelligence is extensively being used in the marketing sector for email marketing, automated bidding and even in running automated or smart ads on Google and other social platforms. It makes the marketer’s job more efficient and the marketing strategies more effective. In this article, we take a deeper look at the key benefits of introducing artificial intelligence or AI into your brand’s marketing strategy.

Top benefits of artificial intelligence in marketing

1. Artificial intelligence in data segmentation

Marketers would understand why data segmentation is so important. We as advertisers also realize how difficult it is to do it to achieve various goals in multiple scenarios. This is where artificial intelligence comes into the picture. With the help of AI, you can analyze multiple data sets easily and quickly. These data sets can be a list of clients or a list of users you have collected in the past or even recently. AI also gives you unique information about each contact and points out certain qualifiers which we might not be able to see in a general data segmentation situation. This leads to segregating customers based on the minute attributes for better results. This also allows us as marketers to personalise marketing strategies for each of these data sets and keep the customers hooked to the brand.

2. Understanding lead behaviour better

Once you have integrated AI into your marketing automation, it will not only give you complete visibility of more channels relevant to your target market but also suggest effective channels that you might not be using before. It also allows you to track each and every action of the user on these channels. This allows us to understand lead behaviour at a deeper level across multiple channels and helps us tweak our marketing strategy along the user journey. AI will compile lead behaviour and individual attributes across all channels such as computer, mobile, tablet, email and social media and give us a comprehensive report. It will also give us the complete knowledge of the lead’s interests, preferences and dislikes.

3. Lead scoring is automated

Taking the data from marketing automation data and tools, AI will rank the leads based on the likelihood of conversions. This saves us loads of time and gives us quality leads or prospects to take the next action. Leaving this step of scoring leads to AI helps marketers in getting accurate, qualified and smarter leads in a jiffy. This again saves you time and helps you to optimise all marketing efforts to attract similar leads in the future. We always have to work smarter, not harder and this is a great way to do it. Realise the benefits of artificial intelligence today.

4. Personalisation to the dot

AI helps us sift through thousands and thousands of contacts pointing us towards the best of leads. This opens up a treasure trove of information to the marketers regarding previous user journeys and behaviours. This helps us discover this buying behaviour, their attitude towards certain marketing strategies and customer psychology. This helps us to personalize for our customers, a breeze. Artificial intelligence helps marketers predict and automate certain actions along the customer journey to deliver the most tailored (read personalised) message to the user in real-time. This increases their chances of conversion by a mile.

5. Reach your customers at the right time

We as marketers believe that it is crucial to reach the customers at the right place and at the right time. This is the most important step of the marketing strategy. The use of AI will eliminate redundant steps and only help marketers reach the potential audience in their ‘buying intent’ stage. AI can also help communicate with customers where the chances of engagement is the highest. This aids in bringing great results by hitting the right spot each time.

In conclusion, AI combined with a good marketing strategy can see definite results for a brand. The benefits of artificial intelligence are more than you can think of. Using responsive learning, drive up your engagement and increase personalisation today. Research has said that one can increase their conversion rates by up to 93% from using artificial intelligence. So what are you waiting for? If you want to see success for your brand in a short time, start implementing AI today. We can help you with that. We are Let’s Good Social, a contemporary marketing company putting the growth of our clients at the core of everything we do. We use automation to see results which are only dreamt of otherwise. We bring in the latest technologies to provide innovative strategies. We have consistently gone beyond client expectations and are easy to do the same for your business. Talk to us today to see how we can come together in giving your brand that much needed uplift. Call us at +91 9087706000 now and let’s chat over a nice cup of joe!

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