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Up Your Email Marketing Game In 2020

Email marketing is here to stay and to win in 2020, marketers must give heed to this wonderful marketing method. You must always stay on top of your game and keep up with the technological changes that happen each and every day.

As a norm, you also must package your campaigns as nice emailers and send it to your subscribers regularly. Adopt tips, best practices to target individual and different types of subscribers at the right time for the best results via email marketing in 2020. We give you the top #6 tips to take your email marketing to a higher platform.

1. Aesthetics are of great importance

Today everyone spends a significant amount of their time online per day. They come across hundreds of ads and videos. Their inboxes are filled with subscription emails. Why do they even have to look at yours and what is it that makes your email stand out? The answer is – aesthetics. You need to make the user feel the email visually. You can easily do this by using high-quality images, adding interesting details and make it user-friendly. Transport the reader into the image to even make them want to spend time to look into it. It is true that a picture can indeed speak a thousand words!

2. Integrate videos or chats

We live in a fast-paced world where people don’t have the time to read a lot to get the information they need. To solve this, try incorporating videos and live chats in your email marketing campaigns. Keep your videos short, use CTAs in them and add a personal touch to pull the audience in. Today 87% of the marketers are using videos as a marketing tactic. This will be a great way to capture their attention, generate interaction and solve their issues in real-time.

3. Use automation and artificial intelligence

Email marketing in 2020 will see immense use of automation and artificial intelligence, hence it is necessary for you to hop on to this train. 80% of advertisers using automation saw a 77% increase in their conversions. They help you provide the audience with extremely relevant content and information. They are easy to set up and once you do this, you can relax and let it take over your email marketing. Make use of them now to increase your open rates, thereby your conversions and traction rates.

4. Segmentation and personalization to be put to use

People want to see more information about the brands they love. Did you know about 67% of people want to see personalized content from brands they follow? Break up your subscriber list based on location, age, etc. Create unique and engaging content based on their interests. Use personalization tools to make them feel that the email was specifically sent for them. For example, you could send restock alerts about a certain product based on customer history.

5. Take customer privacy into account

Privacy is a huge matter of concern in the marketing world today. Data protection and data laws are stricter than ever. When it comes to email marketing too, subscribers are willing to give only certain information. Personalization becomes a challenge in these cases as more than 31% of the audience is not comfortable sharing their data. In order to calm their nerves, make sure the information you ask for is not to be sneaky and let them know upfront as to why it is being collected, for what purpose and what will the usage for it be. This solves two issues in one go.

6. Give them something to interact with

The trick with email marketing is to be as different as possible. By putting out interactive content, you can improve your click-through-rate by more than 73%. The reason behind this is that people like to be engaged and the emails need to ignite a spark in them. A fun way to do this is to include:

  • Carousels
  • Quizzes
  • Surveys
  • Games
  • Discounts
  • Reviews

In conclusion, always know that the audience has more power than the marketer. Understand their needs and set up beautiful emails and increase your revenue. Do you need help with the same for your brand to shine in email marketing in 2020? Chennai’s top digital marketing company is here to the rescue and we are happy to chat! We use the best methods and the latest techniques to bring in the results. Call us at +919087706000 or click below to submit an enquiry and we will get back to you soon! Happy emailing!

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