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The 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Your Company Might Be Making

Are you a small business owner and is this resonating with you? We have written down some common marketing mistakes start-ups and small businesses tend to make.

If you are in the field of doing business, some marketing mistakes are expected. This is because there is some amount of trial and error involved in any genre and small business marketing mistakes are bound to happen. Every business is unique and has its own set of marketing challenges and this amplifies for a small business or a start-up as they have issues right from limited budgets to pushing for brand awareness and reach.

Are you a small business owner and is this resonating with you? We have written down some common marketing mistakes start-ups and small businesses tend to make. Read more to find out:

1. Communicating through channels that don’t suit your business.

For a small business or a start-up getting initial reach is a huge task and if you are topping this off by talking through channels that your audience are not on or where the reach is low, the whole purpose of marketing your enterprise is lost. Digital marketing or traditional marketing, one must choose the channel which can best engage your audience, interact with them and garner their undivided attention and eliminate small business marketing mistakes.

Sit with your marketing team, be it in-house or an agency and figure out what your audience wants from you and form a strategic marketing plan and the best channel strategy.

2. Wasting time on polishing your brand over and over again.

Constant rebranding is a fad and sometimes dangerous for your brand. Constant revisions only confuse the audience and will stop them from hooking onto your name and band. Invest in your brand building right at the start and form a solid one.
It’s also harmful to do unnecessary brand promotion, especially on social media. Your audience only wants to see you at certain times. Being in their face all the time can backfire and can cause them to move on to other brands too quickly and completely separate from your brand.

Make subtle tweaks as and when you learn more about your audience and market in such a way that they see something different in you which is useful to them.

3. Stop tracking or analysing results.

Marketing is an important step for any business and at every stage, it is important for you to see if the efforts you put in are working or not. Regular checks and analysis needs to be done as the numbers can tell you if your marketing efforts are helping the business go up or down. Do not make the small business marketing mistake of just completely avoiding this as this can have some serious impact on your business’s overall performance.

Every small ad you put out there must be analysed for performance and apply tracking codes and URLs wherever possible to automatically do it for you. Ask your customers for feedback and make them take surveys to see if they are giving you the thumbs up or not. This can greatly help you in the next step of your marketing game.

4. Too many cooks spoiling the broth.

Anyone can have an opinion and an idea when it comes to marketing, but it is important that the final decisions are taken by a select few that have the experience and expertise. Trust the ones that can help your business in this front and go ahead. This greatly applies when it comes to local business marketing.

5. Spending money too quickly on marketing.

Any form of marketing needs money and if you spend all of it right at the start, you have no budget left for the coming days and months. Start slow and see how your ideas are taking shape, if your campaigns are working properly and if your strategy has helped you reach your audience.

6. Dumping all marketing efforts right at the start.

Marketing your business is a beautiful journey. It is a slow process where calculative steps need to be taken. Invest in a high-quality marketing staff that can do the work for you. Do not push all efforts initially as it is difficult to predict how the winds turn in the starting stages. Spend wisely, test your waters and get the right marketing results for your company.

7. Replicating your competitors.

It is one thing to study competition and to copy them. Your business is unique and requires a different set of marketing rules and techniques to show you apart. To stand out from the crowd, you need to prove to your audience that you are different and useful to them. Avoid making small business marketing mistakes, show them that they need you and slowly build that trust and bond with your audience.

Are you a small business owner looking for help in building your brand and marketing? You have come to the right place. Let’s Goo Social is an experienced digital marketing company, excelling in bringing brands up the ladder in the digital sphere. Click the button below if you’d like to know how we can help your business today.